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Code of Conduct

Jamstack is an inclusive philosophy and an inclusive community.


We strive to create a friendly, welcoming, judgement- and harassment-free place for individuals to learn, connect, and grow together.

We are a diverse, global community. We have members from every gender, sexuality, gender expression, race, ethnicity, tribal background, religious affiliation, citizenship and nationality, age, physical ability, educational background, experience level that you can think of - and want everyone to feel welcome!

Whether it is contributing to our website, connecting in our slack, or attending conferences and independently organized meetings, it's not only our hope, but our expectation, that you'll abide by these three basic ground rules:

We will not tolerate the following:

If soeone has said or done something that violates this code of conduct, please refer to the Resolving Code of Conduct Violations section.

Contributing to

In addition to the above, we expect that you'll consider:

Slack Code of Conduct

Group Meeting Code of Conduct

Group meetups are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experiences for everyone. We consider "group meetings" self-organized meetings in your city, as well as social events that may take place afterward, or adjacent to conferences we organize.

In addition to the above, the following isn't acceptable:

Resolving Code of Conduct Violations

If something has happened that excludes you or is making you have a bad experience, here is what should happen next.


This Code of Conduct covers a variety of different spaces of interaction.

If you'd like to report a CoC violation that happens...

All group organizers are required to relay all reports of CoC violations and complaints to Netlify staff within one week, regardless of how "severe" they are, so we can be accountable and responsible for resolving issues promptly.

Depending on the severity of the issue, the person may receive a last-chance warning, may be asked to leave the activity/group, or may receive a future ban. In very severe cases, we reserve the right to involve law enforcement should we feel it necessary. Tickets or other participation fees won't be refunded for people who are removed for CoC violations.